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You work so hard, mama! Hitting the daily 9-5 grind is enough to wear anyone down.


Throw in the laundry, cooking, soccer practice, self-care (what’s that?!), making sure the kids are alive, clean, fed, well-adjusted and kind and where does that leave you at the end of the day?


Feeling like you’re missing out on major milestones? Not focusing on the person you want to become? Freaking burnt out? #amIright?! 


Something’s gotta give. . . 


So here’s my public service announcement, along with a virtual hug, from one mama to another. . . 


Don’t spend your life building someone else’s dream!


Let’s start building your own!


You have EXACTLY what it takes to build the business of your dreams. 



My Mission


What if you could make a killer income on your own terms using the skills that you already have?

Yes, you can! You don’t need to earn another degree or certification.




What if you could work on your own schedule and spend as much time as you’d like with your babes? 

Totally possible! You can take a Mommy + Me Ballet Class on a Tuesday at 10 am.​




What if you didn’t need to submit a pesky PTO slip (and hope it gets approved) before taking a spur-of-the-moment Disney getaway?

Hello, Dole Whip- no permission needed!




These ‘what if’s’ can be your reality!  





Say goodbye to that sinking feeling you get every morning when you head out the door to do the same exact thing you did yesterday (and the day before that)


Be able to work as much, or as little, as you’d like while having total control over your monthly income


Have your babies alongside you, watching you become the best version of yourself, while building the life you’ve always deserved


Work from anywhere in the world, be your own boss, and live in full financial freedom!

What would it feel like to. . . 

I’m Maggie!

You can think of me as your ultimate hype girl + favorite teacher! 

Once my second babe was born, I knew I had enough of the heart-wrenching anxiety that comes with leaving my babies to head to Corporate America each and every morning. I was sick of missing every milestone while hustling and grinding for someone else’s dream! 


I knew I needed a change. But I also knew I needed to be able to support my family and give my children the life I’d always dreamt of.


So I started my online virtual assistant business. From there, I replaced my teaching salary in just 6 weeks, retired my husband after 14 months, and have never looked back! Since then, my family of 5 has even experienced full-time RV life!


As a former elementary school teacher and corporate VP, coaching, training, and teaching totally lights me up!! I decided to use those powers for good and have been mentoring and empowering women to create balanced businesses that they thought only existed in their dreams for the past year and a half.


I did it. My mentees did it. And I know you can do this, too!

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   Introducing my

9 Week VA Business Building Bootcamp Course which includes...



Guided Online Course

27 Step by Step modules provided where you’ll gain the step-by-step knowledge to build your own Virtual Assistant business


Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

where you’ll develop clarity and direction to start and sustain a work-from-home biz.


1:1 Coaching

one 1:1 session with yours truly where you will walk away with a customized rock-solid plan in place that helps YOU achieve YOUR goals will have you bringing in paying clients left and right


Daily Support via Slack

you’ll have a tight-knit community to lean on and guide you through the ins and outs of CEO life


 Tried-and-Proven Templates and Scripts 

you’ll be able to navigate the online business world with streamlined ease + confidence


Lifetime Access

to the course materials, community and group coaching calls



Skip the worry and jump on the

fast-track to the [super successful]

business of your dreams!



You might be asking. . . 



How do I even start a business?

How do I price my services?

What services can I actually offer?


Believe me, I had all the same wants and worries as you.



Got questions? I’m here to answer ‘em!

Investing can be tough. How do I know it will be worth it? 

Think of this as your chance to level up EVERYTHING in your life! As long as you’re committed to putting in the work (about 30 minutes a day), my program will turn you into a boss babe super mom with a sustainable Virtual Assistant business faster than you can say ‘See ya later, 9-5”!  And did I mention that it’s super affordable? 


Breaking up with the stability of the corporate world scares the bejeezus out of me! How do I know I’m not going to fail?

I’m right there with you, sister! Making the jump can be scary. But I pinky promise it will be worth it. You want to make a huge shift in where you’re at right now, right? The first step towards doing that is taking significant action! 


I was part of Corporate America once, too, along with the hundreds of women I’ve mentored. With determination, confidence, and a team of cheerleaders to back you,  you can freaking do it and succeed!! 


There are so many other VA programs out there.

What makes yours “The One”, Maggie? 

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Don't take it from me...
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Eve Bloom


Maggie encourages permission to be authentic, builds up my confidence, assists me with setting boundaries, and keeps me on track. Her dedication, positivity and unwavering support is unmatched.  She is as real as it gets. She goes above and beyond even on a personal level to make me feel worthy, capable and confident to take my business to the next level. Without a doubt, I have been able to do that because of her mentorship and support.

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Shauna Grey

Owner of Simplified Savvy

She has helped me move past barriers that were holding me back in business and not get overwhelmed.   I can now spend more time working on my business instead of always in my business, which has opened up more personal time for me and my kids.  There is no doubt: I wouldn't be where I am without the mentoring, accountability, knowledge, and expertise that Maggie has given me.  It has been the best investment I've made in my business.



→ looking to ditch the corporate world, but need a reliable replacement plan before taking the leap


→ staying home with your kids but are looking to bring in a kick-ass income to support your family 


→ chasing the dream of living life on your own terms as your very own boss, without the worry of pyramid schemes or commission-based sales


→ ready to finally gain financial freedom and live a life of balance alongside your babies!


Then you’re in the right place! 


9 Week VA Business Building Bootcamp Course Cost:

monthly payments of $197 per month

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